Below are some downloadable forms for physicians and patients.
Physicians: you may use the downloadable form to refer patients to our clinic.
Patients: Please fill out the 1st Visit Form before your appointment to save time.
Forms for Physicians
Optimal Referral is at 10-12 weeks G.A. for serum screening and NT ultrasound if eligible.
Referral Form:
FAX this form to 604 520 6266
Other forms:
Forms for Patients
First Visit Form:
Please complete the 1st visit form prior to your first visit.
Download the form by clicking the button below. It will download as a zip file, just double click the downloaded file to complete the PDF.
Once you complete the PDF, save it, and email it to forms.pcoc@gmail.com or print and bring it to your first prenatal appointment.
Note: this is a detailed form and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.